Monday, April 16, 2012

Goal setting!

Whether you are at the end of your weight loss journey or at the beginning everyone has goals.  What are your goals? Write them down and hang them somewhere that you will see daily.  That way, when you are having a bad day you can remind yourself why you are working so hard.  You can remember what you are trying to accomplish.

Reevaluate your goals every once in awhile.  See which ones you have met and see which ones you would like to change.  If you meet all your goals, strive to come up with new, more challenging ones.  Life is all about challenging yourself.  Challenge yourself to do something you think is impossible at the moment.  Then, when you accomplish it you will realize that EVERYTHING is possible if you work for it.  Nothing comes easy, so keep working, keep setting goals and keep living healthy!

My goals at the moment:

  1. To keep defining my abs, I want a tight body.
  2. To do yoga 2 times a week.
  3. To work out 6/7 days each week.
  4. To work towards doing running race of some sort.
  5. To love myself completely.
  6. To focus on gaining muscle and not the pesky number on the scale.
  7. To log my weight weekly (just to keep track).
These are just my health goals, feel free to also write down your personal life goals. :]

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