Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Magic Bullet

Ahhh I finally got a magic bullet! I have been wanting one for a while now but just couldn't get myself to spend the money.  In the end I didn't have to spend it anyway because I was given a brand new one for free! It was my lucky day.

I can't wait to start looking up new recipes and using it.  So far I have only made smoothies in it.  It has already proven to be easier to use than our big blender.  It makes less dishes since you drink out of the cup you made the smoothie in and it is super fast.  Hopefully in the near future I will use it for more than just smoothies.

Do any of you have a magic bullet? If so what do you make with it?!


  1. i have one but so far i've only made strawberry banana smoothies i really like it !

  2. Yes, I have one... I use it to make hummus these days but have used it in the past for smoothies and dressings.

  3. I have one! I mainly make smoothies and milkshakes... much like the other people who have commented. I really like mine!

  4. I did really like it but then after I lost a seal it became useless to me. The seal wouldn't go back on and stay. So the money wasn't worth it. If I could find something similar that would last longer, I would love it.
