Saturday, August 11, 2012

Corn on the cob made in an oven!

It is corn season and I couldn't be more excited about it.  Whenever I go to the store there is always a sale on corn. Last week was 5 ears of corn for $1. We got 5 because it's just me and my fiance in the house.  Once we got home I contemplated the best way to cook them.  Should I grill them, boil them, microwave them or was there another way.

Well all I can say is THANK YOU GOOGLE! I searched how too cook corn in the oven. My oh my it couldn't have been easier.  I was told you could cook it without soaking it, husks still on for 30 minutes at 350°. No Soaking required, well at first I was skeptical and thought I would end up catching the oven on fire but figured I would try it out anyway.  

So, I put the corn in the oven left it for 30 minutes and viola! The corn was done, and it was amazingly delicious.  No butter needed.  I did put a little cajun seasoning on top for 0 extra calories.  The corn was really sweet on it's own, and completely tender from being steamed in its own husk!

**One ear of corn has around 100 calories.

1 comment:

  1. It's still August and I did some corn shopping today. I wanted to try the corn on the cob cooked via oven and I'm glad I did. My mom, every weekends when we're busy with homework and college papers, would fire up the grill and cook those corns. It tasted good though but I wanted to try it the other way this time.
