Sunday, May 27, 2012

New tattoo!

Today I went and got a new tattoo! It was semi spontaneous and impulsive.  I say that because I have been thinking about getting a new tattoo for a long time.  However, deciding what I wanted was near impossible.  Their are plenty that I would like to get.  One being a huge rib piece, but that is going to be expensive and I am sure I won't get it done for quite sometime.  Then I was thinking about smaller tattoos I would like. 

Last night I happened across a saying, 'I refuse to sink' and I thought wow this is so me. This quote is perfect for my life.  I refuse to quit, I refuse to lose, I refuse to go back to where I was.  I will not fail, I refuse to sink.  All night I was thinking about this and decided I was going to get it as a tattoo.  Then I kept thinking about it and decided I couldn't wait so I got it today.  Anyway here is the finished product:

I love the nautical feel to the saying so I thought an anchor would go nicely.  Plus, anchors symbolize hope and I am completely hopeful for my future. :]  Not only does this tattoo symbolize not going back as far as my weight loss it also reminds me that I can do anything I put my mind too.  I refuse to sink, EVER.  I will always have my head above water.  Whether I am barley treading water or doing laps I will always succeed.  I am in love with my new tattoo and am so thankful that Micah (the tattoo artist) captured what I wanted perfectly.

Happy Memorial Day weekend all. I hope you all refuse to sink and kick ass with everything you are doing.

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog through MFP and have added it to my reader. Congrats on your amazing success!

    Love the tattoo!
