Saturday, April 14, 2012

Some days are better than others.

Don't let one bad decision ruin your whole day, week or month. You can do this I promise you.  Remind yourself of the promise you have made to living a new healthy lifestyle.  This promise isn't just for now but it is for the rest of your life.

We all have bad days but we should never let one bad day stop us from reaching our goal.  For example yesterday at work my boss bought us all a chocolate cake to share.  Now I am typically not a fan of cake, but this one looked delicious with a whipped chocolate frosting and cookie crumbles on top. Yum, it was too appealing to the eye to say no so I had a pretty good sized piece.

After eating it my mind immediately started turning wondering if I should have had it or not.  I pondered about it for a minute or so and then reminded myself that one piece of cake wasn't going to kill my day.  What would kill my day was if I let that one piece of cake spiral into eating unhealthy for the duration of the day. Right then I decided I would eat the rest of my normally planned meals for the day and I would be fine.

One thing I have learned through this whole weight loss journey is that it is okay to let yourself have a treat every now and then.  Does that mean I eat treats every day? No. Do I even have one every other day? Not usually. However, I do allow myself to have them every once in awhile.

If you deprive yourself of the things you love you will only crave them more. Just remember, when you do have a treat try to use portion control.  Instead
of eating multiple servings, just have 1 and really enjoy that serving.  Try not
to use eating the treat as an excuse to throw away the rest of your day. Eating a treat every now and then will not kill your progress, but eating unhealthy all day everyday will.


  1. I just found this blog and so far I am impressed. You look amazing!!! I am really going to work at changing my lifestyle and can't wait to get more information and motivation from you. :-)

    1. Aww thank you! I hope you keep reading and enjoying!

  2. I totally need to follow this. I beat myself up when I treat myself lol. You're so right.

  3. I have a saying that I repeat to myself in moments that I have had too many crackers/chocolate/etc...
    'You can have a bad moment, it doesn't not need to be a bad day'

    it makes me feel better, move on and make sure I make good choices the rest of my day.

    1. I like that saying! I may start using that on myself. :]
